Zinker-class Solvent


Applying with an air spray gun
The equipment should be free of contaminants and earlier used VPM. If needed, Zinc-rich coating is diluted with «Zinker Multisolv», solvent or xylene to 5% of weight. The air pressure should be 0.2-0.3 МРа (2-3 bar). The nozzle diameter should be 2.0-3.0 mm.

Airless spray application
The equipment should be free of contaminants and earlier used VPM. If needed,dilute Zinc-rich coating with «Zinker Multisolv», solvent or xylene to 4% of weight. Pressure 8-12 МРа (80-120 bar). Nozzle diameter 0.015-0.025 inches or 0.38-0.63 mm

“Zinker MultiSolv ( Zinker Solvent substance) and Dip method and Application with Aerosol container:
If needed, dilute Zinc-rich coating with «Zinker Multisolv», solvent or xylene to 15% of weight. Zinc-rich coating can be applied onto the worked surface with a brush, roller, and spray gun or by dipping. For more details Read here

Coating with a brush
The brush should be with natural bristles, and free of dust and other contaminants. There is no need to dilute Zinc- rich coating with a solvent in standard conditions.

Applying with a roller
The roller should be made of a material resistant to organic solvent and free of contaminants and earlier used VPM. There is no need to dilute Zinc-rich coating with a solvent in standard conditions

Application with an aerosol container
When applying the composition, hold the container vertically with the valve facing up at 25-35 cm from the surface being protected. Apply at an ambient temperature of +5°С to +40°С. Having finished work, clean the valve: turn over the container and press the nozzle until clean gas is discharged. Remove composition residue with a swab moistened in «Zinker Multisolv», solvent or xylene.
The material is applied layer-by-layer, with overlapping of the edge of the earlier applied coating strip.
The total coating thickness should be minimum 40 mu and maximum 160 mu. When applying onto constructions with slight mechanical deformation, the maximum thickness can be increased to 200 mu. Perform work involving application of Zinc-rich coating (except when using an aerosol container) at -30°С to +50°С and relative humidity up to 90%.The composition can be applied onto a moist surface. In this case, the surface should be free of water droplets. When applying at sub-zero temperatures, check for absence of ice crust. It is recommended to provide an awning when applying in precipitation conditions (snow, rain).